Notice: All Orders must have a corresponding tax exemption certificate provided to International Wire Group. Any orders for which an exemption certificate cannot be found will not be processed until the certificate is provided. Please upload your documents HERE or email your certificate to
Unit of Measure


Shipping Weight

N/A 1.215 Pound

Connect Type

N/A Copper Braid


N/A Tinned Electrolytic Tough Pitch (ETP) Copper

Total Length

N/A 220 mm

Hole Diameter

N/A 8.5 mm

Cross Section

N/A 25 mm²
Distance Between Holes1 N/A 200 mm


N/A 22.5 mm


N/A 3.5 mm

Wire Diameter

N/A 0.2 mm

Kit Weight

N/A 1.215 lb

Quantity per Package

N/A 10


N/A UL 467 Certified
  • 1 Measure from center to center